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General info

Kontak was founded in 1991 by the mind of a great man, LUIGI FABRETTO, an expert in electronics with a burning passion for the wonderful world of apiculture.

“Ingenious ideas come from observing nature” was a favourite saying of our father, Luigi Fabretto, and it was this brilliant intuition and understanding of nature that helped produce the only system in the world that allows us to breathe propolis in our own homes, just as we would out in nature...the Propolis Diffuser.

Many years have passed since our humble beginnings in 1991. From a small Turin based family business, born out off a passion for propolis, Kontak has now become a recognised industry leader. Our products are now loved and enjoyed around the world thanks to their proven quality and effectiveness.

For user

Propolit Confectionery is a line of sweets, jellies and sugar free chewing gums based exclusively on high quality ingradients: organic Italian propolis, natural aromas, cane sugar, and natural sweeteners such as Stevia Rebaudiana.

All the flavours and benefits of organic Italian propolis: healthy, pure and a delicious sweet taste. PropolIt Confectionery offers a healthier, viable alternative to traditional gums and sweets.


Kontak have selected the best ingredients from nature to produce this line of traditional wrap candies that balances exquisite natural tastes with health and well-being. We use rice and cassava (Brazilian Arrow Root) syrups as sweeteners - a healthier alternative to sugar. The combination of propolis and natural ingredients in this is a unique line of sweets will take care of your throat whilst satisfying that sweet tooth.


A line of sugar free chewing gum made from pure Italian propolis, natural flavorings and Stevia Rebaudiana(a 100% natural, zero calorie sweetener). No junk chewing gum with absolutely no artificial sweeteners (like edulcorant and acesulfame k).


    connected to health

    Kontak™ are an Italian family-run business specialising in high quality organic beehive products.

    • Organic propoli. We only use the very best Italian organic propolis.
    • 100% made in Italy. Safer and healthier – where possible our productsare sourced and made in Italy.
    • For all ages. Our products have been formulated for both adults and children. All of our propolissprays and supplements come with an alcohol free version for kids.
    • No junk – where possible we use 100% natural ingredients.
    • Gluten free – our sweets are gluten free.
    • Only natural aromas.

    For more information on an individual product, please call us or contact us through the contact form.