• General info
  • For user
  • Inquiry
General info

Jardin BiO or in English BIO-Garden is since 1995 a biological specialist and the trademark LÉA NATURE, an independent family business.

The trademark Jardin BiO was born out of the desire for healthy, safe and tasty organic food to feel good.

The trademark of LÉA NATURE for ecological, tasty and innovative food is friendly to nature and people.

This brand offers over 400 organic products, which can be obtained in supermarkets and health food stores.

With various products, from teas, food and spices, baked goods to prepared fresh foods and juices and drinks.

Jardin BiO offers healthy and delicious options for every meal of the day, of which 80% are made in France.

The company LÉA NATURE from France evolved out of the ideology to focus on the supply of natural and organic products for a wide range.

For user

100% organic

Since the beginning of 1995, 100% of the Jardin BiO brands have been labelled with the AB label. 

France has only 3% of agricultural land in organic farming, far from Grenelle's environmental objectives. For Jardin BiO, the current trend in the consumption of organic products should not lead to increased use of imports, so for products bearing the label Regionaux France we guarantee that 70% to 100% of the ingredients are French. Seventyseven biological components produced in France are used in Jardin organic products. It is necessary to develop and structure the French sectors for ingredients, which has to be done by the actual involvement of the actors. Currently, Jardin BiO has more than 100 products with the label of regional producers. This approach is controlled by Ecocert France.



trgovinaNOVO: BiO vrt brez glutena, brez laktoze.

Kadar sestavina ni na voljo ali se ne more pridelovati v Franciji ali v zmernih državah, se strinjamo s pravično trgovino. Pravična trgovina proizvajalcem omogoča, da izkoristijo trajnostna partnerstva ter odgovorne in pregledne etične odnose.


Z izbiro raznolike prehrane Jardin BiO ponuja vse, kar vaše telo potrebuje za zdravje! Vsebnost sladkorja, soli in maščob se sistematično analizira pri vseh naših razvojnih izdelkih.


1% za planet

Leta 2007 je Jardin BiO postal član kluba "1% Pour La Planète", z močnim in konkretnim dejanjem označuje njene posledice, njeno vezanost in njegovo voljo, da delujejo za zaščito planeta.
Od takrat je Jardin BiO doniral 3,6 milijona evrov za več kot 630 projektov varstva okolja.



Kot ekološka blagovna znamka je ekološka zasnova naših izdelkov glavna tema.
Je tudi precej zapleten predmet, v katerem je včasih treba izbirati med funkcijami uporabe in praktičnostjo embalaže ter njegovim ekološkim vidikom.
Jardin BiO se z njo stalno ukvarja z logiko stalnih izboljšav in že uveljavlja številne ukrepe, ki jih je treba poudariti.

Vrečke čajev Jardin BiO so brez sponk, so nebeljene in 100% kompostljive.

Ravnovesje ogljika

Zavezan boj proti globalnemu segrevanju Léa Nature meri svoje emisije toplogrednih plinov in uvaja ukrepe za zmanjšanje ogljičnega odtisa.


    connecteed to health

    Jardin BIO is a gourmet and innovative French organic food brand

    • Teas
    • Various confectionery and chocolate
    • Muesli and flakes
    • Juices and drinks
    • Oils
    • Tomato purée and sauces
    • Sweet spreads
    • Gluten-free products
    • Prepared dishes of cereals / legumes and vegetables
    • Noodles
    • Vegan capsules
    • Soups and soup vegetables
    • Butter from seeds and nuts
    • Dried fruits and seeds, …

    For more information on an individual product, please call us or contact us through the contact form.